1.Or, to save time, the inner branch shape has a yellow diamond that you can drag to create a second tier line, too.
2.If it's a meeting where different ideas are contributed and a decision is to be reached, its size should be controlled to save time.
3.you let me know, if you want to save time, supply a sample, I'll let you know.
4.Make a list of things you are going to do to save time. Keep track and see how much extra time you actually have for yourself.
5.That's an extreme step, but the nightmare would be if Iran simply decided to save time and buy a nuclear weapon or two from North Korea.
6.And when he does catch criminals, the result is often a plea-bargain and a reduced sentence, to save time.
7.But I save time to hobnob with my old classmates: we try to get together every Tuesday night for dinner and a few drinks.
8.To help save time, tools can be used to automate, or at least partially automate, many tasks.
9.You'll save time if you choose the application designed specifically for the tasks you're trying to accomplish.
10.It is shown that this software is a great help to enhance the model efficiency, to reduce workload and research cost, and to save time.